

Week 13

November 22

Notes on format

Let’s briefly discuss next week’s presentations:

Notes on format

Project reviews

We’ll be spending the rest of today looking at your Project 3: Binding progress. Here are our groups:

  1. Rodrigo, Zil, Sarah, Vera, JC, Alexis, Sabrina

  2. Xinyi, Rebecca, Kirsten, Cristina, Lucy, Dhruvil

  3. Hao, Kritika, Emily, Bhroovi, Shaoran, Hannah

  4. Wenny, Shaurya, Vicky, Hana, Sachi, Angelica

Show us where you are at! You’ll hear from both of us—we’ll each go through two tables each, then take our break, and meet with the other two after.

Again—when we are not at your table, we’d like you to be working on your project with your classmates. Run your design and technical questions by each other. Ask how they did something. Make a change and get immediate feedback. We are all in this together!

This will give us about 5 minutes with you each, all told. So let’s be efficient about this!

For next week