

Week 22

March 6

Session recording

Week 22, March 6

Before we move on, we’ll briefly discuss some overall notes from your projects last week:

Reading discussion

We’ll begin our fifth and final unit, If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, with a discussion of last week’s reading:

Unit 5 reading synthesis (Code)

Further reading

We will look at several additional readings over the unit, to understand and situate ourselves in the zeitgeist:


We also want to introduce you to human interface guidelines. These documents describe the paradigms, intent, and overall look-and-feel for a given operating system—made to encourage software developers to craft consistent, native-feeling applications for a platform.

The most famous instance (which lends the category its name) comes from Apple, written for the original Macintosh—the first popular, consumer computer with a graphical user interface. We’ve also selected influential examples through time, covering the era of modern, GUI-based software up to now.

We aren’t designing applications for Windows 95 here, but these should serve us in two ways: as a timeline of user-interface design patterns, and as examples of documentation and design systems—particularly the current, ongoing/living versions:

Our final project

And we’ll go through the details of your final project:

Project 5, Functions

It’s all in your <head>

Finally, let’s look at some odds and ends around sharing:

Putting a (link/meta) bow on it

For next week class