

Week 25

April 3

Session recording

Week 25, April 3

Project progress review

We’ll start today again by checking in on your projects—which should be into code. Same groups again:

  1. Bhroovi, Kirsten, Kritika, Rodrigo, Shaurya, Vera, Wenny

  2. Alexis, Angelica, Emily, JC, Rebecca, Sachi

  3. Cristina, Dhruvil, Hana, Sabrina, Vicky, Zil

  4. Hannah, Hao, Lucy, Sarah, Shaoran, Xinyi

And a similar structure as last week:


We’ll add our overall thoughts again here!

Saving state

Now for an example of saving state. This is a little more advanced, but it shows some ways you might retain a user’s preferences/selections within your project (within what our free GitHub hosting allows):


For next week