Project progress review
We’re going to spend our whole class today checking in on your projects, which are hopefully “topped out”. Same groups:
Bhroovi, Kirsten, Kritika, Rodrigo, Shaurya, Vera, Wenny
Alexis, Angelica, Emily, JC, Rebecca, Sachi
Cristina, Dhruvil, Hana, Sabrina, Vicky, Zil
Hannah, Hao, Lucy, Sarah, Shaoran, Xinyi
Longer version of what we did last week:
- We’ll each see all of of you again, but still just a few minutes each
- Recap your project and show us where you are at! Live URLs, please
- We want to focus on narrowing in what needs to be done in—we should be past any major shifts, now
- While we aren’t there, continue to go through with your classmates!
- Use the time to discuss any lingering conceptual questions/blind-spots they might identify, before specific technical problems
- Make sure you go through everyone’s projects at your table—self-manage this for us!
For next week
On to the next stage of your project, which we think should be heading into Refinement, polish, and testing. On balance, emphasize work on the visual design—sanding down rough edges and testing things out.
Update us again with your progress:
In addition to reviewing your projects next week, we will be “taking a step back” with a more general discussion—briefly addressing some topics that have otherwise fallen through the cracks.
If there is something specific you’d like us to get into, let us know before class next week! Maybe there is a term, concept, or question (really anything) you’ve wanted to know more about—Slack us ahead of time and get can discuss it in class.
We have a list but your topics would take priority! Well, within reason.