

Week 19

February 14

Session recording

Week 19, February 14

Project reviews

We’ll be spending our first half today looking at your progress using Are.na as an API. Here are our groups:

  1. Angelica, Dhruvil, Hannah, Kritika, Sabrina, Sachi

  2. Bhroovi, Emily, Hao, JC, Wenny, Zil

  3. Alexis, Kirsten, Rodrigo, Shaoran, Shaurya, Vicky

  4. Cristina, Hana, Lucy, Rebecca, Vera, Xinyi, Sarah

Show us where things are at! As a reminder, when we are not at your table—use the time with your classmates. Go through your concept, design, and questions with each other! Work together on this; we don’t want to hear… silence.

You’ll see one of us each today—this will give us about 5 minutes with you each, all told. Let’s be efficient!

Demo time!

For the next part of your project, you’ll be Adding interactivity. We’ll be doing a run-through of some techniques you might use to do this. Here’s an agenda:

For next week